We believe that God uses the gifts and passions of His people to reach the hearts and needs of people around us. Your help changes lives.

We have many opportunities for you to participate in the life of this church and in outreach to our community. We would be thrilled to help you find a place here! It is our desire that by joining in the life of this church, you'll meet new friends, experience spiritual growth, and have fun too! Volunteering doesn't just ask something of you: it also does something IN you, and you will experience growth too! It is easy to volunteer in activities here at Trinity. Simply click the link below to submit a contact form, speak to any one of the church staff or someone you know who volunteers at Trinity, or call the office the church office at 573-223-7772.
* Monthly Mobile Food Pantry
* Children's Ministry
*Kitchen Ministry
*Leading a Small Group
*Prayer Shawl Ministry
* Worship Setup Team
* Hospitality and Greeters
*Administrative Support