Find your connection
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a proven 12-step faith based program which helps anyone with hurts, hang-ups or addictions find recovery. Meets in the auditorium, first for a family meal at 5:30pm, worship at 6:30pm, share groups at 7:30pm and dessert and fellowship at 8:30pm.
Facilitator: Matt Graham
Every Friday Evening
Leader: Matt Umfleet
New Bible Study
Pastor Matt's office Wednesday evenings
at 6:00pm
A brand-new study focusing on:
The Case for Christianity
The Case for Christianity
Open to all who enjoy trips to interesting nearby locations in the company of friends. The Trinity bus hits the road once a month. To sign up, see the bulletin board near the auditorium in the main hallway.
Trinity Tours on break until March.
Please add your suggestions for 2019 trips to the Tours Bulletin Board
Facilitators: Sharon & Russ Wilson
Jan & Dave Winkler
Trinity Tours
Chick Night
This women's bible study group meets Wednesdays at 6:00pm. Open to all women in our community. Find friendship and connection as you explore study series from well-known Christian authors.
New Study starting January 9
Lysa Terkeurst
"It's Not Supposed to Be This Way"
Facilitator: Ronda Polk
Chick Night
United Methodist Men
"Helping men grow in Christ so others may know Christ."
This men's group supports many of the church's activities throughout the year. They also support local scouting programs and are involved in community betterment through service to others.
Leader: Dennis Green
United Methodist Men
The Mobile Food Pantry is a ministry supported by area businesses, organizations and individuals in cooperation with the Southeast Missouri Food Bank to provide free food to 200-250 needy families in our area each month. Trinity volunteers work to unload, sort, distribute and assist in carrying groceries. If you would like to serve in this much needed ministry, join us the third Tuesday of each month at 9:30am at the Clearwater Youth Center
Facilitator: Debbie Toney
Mobile Food Pantry
Open to all who are searching for healing after the loss of a loved one. Grief Share uses videos and workbooks to apply biblical principles to the healing process.
Bringing Hope and Restoration
Wednesdays at 4pm at Trinity UMC
Facilitator: Sandy Hyatt
New Group
Grief Share
Christ-centered grief support
group ministry
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Creating for a Purpose
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Join a group where prayer and skill combine to transform yarn into beauty with the love of God. Prayer shawls are created as gifts to those who are facing difficult circumstances and are in need of prayer and support.
To join in this ministry
please see:
Facilitator: Krista Kruithoff
Prayer Group
Carrying the needs of the people to God. Open to all. Every Sunday morning at 9:00 am in the Cry Room.
Facilitators: Bob and Dee Kushner
Right Now
Right Now
This is an exciting new group for all young adults, meeting Sunday mornings at 9am. Finding direction and promise in the word of God through RightNow Media video studies.
New Study starting Oct 28
This is The Day
by Tim Tebow
Facilitator: Jenny Barnett
New Group: Grief Share
Trinity's choir is a mixed adult group of people who love to sing praise and worship to God. The choir performs during the Sunday worship service about once each month. Meets for practice in the choir room every Wednesday evening at 7:00pm.
Leader: Marty Torlina
Feed My Sheep
Preaching, teaching, proclaiming the scriptures!
Learn how to lead in ministry!
Meets Wednesdays at 6:00pm in the pastor's office.
Facilitator: Pastor Tadd Kruithoff
Currently on Break
Feed My Sheep
Adult Sunday
This mixed adult class follows a traditional lesson plan using the International Sunday School Quarterly.
Expect some wide-ranging discussions and good fellowship.
Meets Sundays from 9-9:45am.
Facilitator: Joe Kiser
Adult Sunday School
Evening Light
This mixed adult group studies lessons from the United Methodist resource: The Upper Room.
Meets Wednesdays at 6:00pm in room D.
Facilitators: Bob and Dee Kushner
Stress reduction, improved flexibility, building muscle tone
and strength...why wouldn't you want to join a fun yoga class?
Mondays and Thursdays at 9:00am